Read Some News & Instantly Talk About It! 7-Habits-InternetIn my opinion, all these news-blogging websites are the same thing wrapped up in a different package. This age of faster and faster news-cycles combining with worldwide communications expanding to new heights has spawned a new phenomena of people like myself feeling the need to respond to every single news story in all the world.

Then expound upon some line of thought in some blog and someone comments-back: “Keep it short and sweet.” Sometimes there is none of that. Sometimes I run out anything and we end up with the new and famous and amazing micro-blogging (Tweet)!

The FOX Nation

The ‘protectors’ of the freedom of speech and ’balanced’ media have opened up a talking-back-at-you website. They let my liberal stuff through just like anyone else.

Huffington Post

This site has morphed from comment moderation taken to new tyrannical heights and has landed right back where all the internet is, sanity. Though I’ll the first to admit that almost every post on the website is written by a liberal.

The Guardian

I don’t live in the UK but this news-site has always caught my eye. I just think they have better articles than a lot of American media to discuss or reference.

Your Blog

I might have promoted you and you never knew it. I try and point out anything I think is great in both credible source and just pure internet source. If you have a blog I am the one who just randomly spread it around on Facebook or maybe Stumble.

YouTube Threads

I have no idea why people do this but YouTube comment threads often become beyond the limits of sanity in terms of length, and the dialogue goes beyond any measure of civility in about 90% of the cases. I can barely ever help myself, I’ve allowed myself to childish and tawdry while speaking to vile and hostile people. If you like car-crashes and Jerry Springer … you might want to just read the comments under a video without even bothering with whatever the original post was.

It’s just my point of view.

That it all fits in the same pale. One big not-so happy family of internet traffic.

The only credibility on most internet posting is attached to the credibility of the domain combined with the author. I’ll listen to anybody, but I’m not about to try and attach any level of credibility to myself. This all just my opinion. But I think some certain few out there somehow manage to get opinion and real news confused in all the commotion of the New Media.

The Challenges of Democracy

I find that I am personally challenged by the system of democracy and free debate over social issues. The unrestrained freedom of speech is the only vessel by which democracy can be rightly enacted. However, this atmosphere often allows for disingenuous and hateful rhetoric to spread like wildfire in a political landscape that allows for mass trickery.

The recent issue of President Obama’s address to Notre Dame sparking the abortion debate has once again challenged the very fiber of my love for democracy. I support fully all forms of non-violent civil protest and although I disagree strongly with the outspoken protesters against Obama’s appearance in the Notre Dame forum I still believe that their freedom of speech must be protected from government infringement.

My personal challenge comes from another source. My challenge is being respectful and civil toward individuals who use fear-tactics, propaganda, outright lies, and uncivil attitudes as a basis and standard in their public discourse. I believe in strongly denouncing falsehoods and misrepresentations of American society and Americans themselves, as well as calling out by name those who commit these travesties of democracy.

There is a mounting temptation to degrade myself to this level of uncivil debate and partisan attacks in place of any logical arguments.

The majority of modern anti-abortion movements use deplorable tactics and needless slander to enforce their own moral superiority” and unchallengeable righteousness.” This ultimately distracts from the public policy debate over women’s reproductive health and government involvement in the womb.

I am all for having the debate and going through the issue, piece by piece. However, it is my perception that the opposition is not interested in debate but rather denouncement of all positions contrary to their own as “immoral.”

This is fundamentally counter-productive to the process of democracy. I cannot claim to be free of partisan fervor and personally reject the label “Pro-Life,” and replace it with “Anti-Choice.”

This is just one example of many in which I fail in my duties as a citizen.

It is the express burden, and thus challenge, of the citizenry of a democracy to not only stay informed but to conduct themselves in a manner befitting to civil public debate.

Aside from what I view as hypocrisy of conservatives in supporting human rights only as exclusive to the womb but not in other cases of injustices against human rights. There is a clear and unanswered call for a logical, civil argument not based in religious view from which to form the argument in favor of outlawing abortion.

World Focus: “Obama Defends Decision to Close Guantanamo”

From WorldFocusOnline:

On Thursday, U.S. President Barack Obama delivered a strong defense of his decision to close the U.S. prison at Guantanamo Bay, an issue that has become increasingly political in recent weeks. On Wednesday, Congress had denied Obamas request for $80 million to close the detention facility.

In the speech, Obama largely repudiated the Bush administration policy on dealing with terror suspects — and declared again, in no uncertain terms, we do not torture.

Shayana Kadidal, a senior managing attorney at the Center for Constitutional Rights who has represented a number of Guantanamo detainees, joins Martin Savidge to discuss how the president made his case, the next step and potential pitfalls of the Obama plan.

There Will Be No Radio Fairness Doctrine

PresidentBillClintonMay282003Disk2074Former President Bill Clinton can now be added to the list of big name Democrats that have eluded to or outright mentioned the Fairness Doctrine in radio-media.

I will boldly speak out of turn and say now that there shall not a return to the arcane legislation of the Fairness Doctrine where an opposing opinion must be made time for after any political opinion is expressed.

Though John Kerry, Bill Clinton and other figures speak of a need for media regulation I think the issue was already addressed by President Obama when he requested that conservatives stray away from partisanship like that of The Radio Comedian Rush Limbaugh.

This is the clear stance of this administration that partisanship is any form is counter productive in politics. The partisanship found on FOX Network airwaves and conservative-talk radio was challenged thusly by the Executive Branch. I see no moves from this office toward this matter beyond what we have already witnessed.

This issue simply doesn’t rate high enough on the presidential ‘to do list.’ The outcries from the far right wing that this inane legislation from days gone by are paranoid delusions created to fabricate the image of ’persecuted’ conservatives.

The right to Freedom of Speech has always challenged Americans in terms of what they will accept in terms of their politics and their news media. Those like myself who have educated themselves on some aspects of modern media know about the Radio Fair and Equal Rule.

In the Fair and Equal Rule a political campaign that receives airtime must have due consideration and / or equal airtime.

I foresee no threat to the talk radio medium spreading further into FM, satellite and internet formats.

Though I also would not predict any ‘explosions’ of talk radio, but rather just a gradual integration. The Politic-Talk Medium will always remain, no matter what paranoid conservative pundits say.

The Two Americas

Left versus Right political divides seem to be at all time highs.

We live in two different spheres of media and politics where there is no common ground whatsoever. Even within defining the past, and simple definitions of words, there is no mutual understanding between groups.

The Liberal versus Conservative Debate cannot take place under these conditions, and ultimately does nothing but aggravate social divisions. Each side blames the other for this via biased media and partisan rancor.

Partisanship is inevitable. Each side must strive to avoid not only personal bias when discussing politics but also avoid one-sided media bias when consuming political news media. Many mistake this suggestion as promoting only specifically formatted media programs.

I instead suggest hearing both sides of the debate. Every liberal should boldly consume partisan media of the right as should every conservative boldly consume partisan media of the left.

President Barack Obama spoke out early in his presidency against partisanship on the right and specifically named the radio conservative Rush Limbaugh. Obama specifically urged conservatives to stray away from partisans like Limbaugh, and with good reason.

While we all have partisanship within us there are certain figures in media who exhibit a bias so strong it is questionable if it is indeed genuine. Rush Limbaugh may well be far less partisan against liberals than he appears while on the air.

The bottom line is partisanship sells media. As long as media consumers of all political persuasions wish to only have their own opinions echoed back at them the partisan media will continue to thrive. This leads to the Two Americas of politics today.

A land where intolerance of thought is standard. A land of our own creation.

Waterboarding is Torture

It disturbs and disgusts me that so many American conservatives refuse to address all empirical evidence regarding practices like waterboarding while supporting these failed and immoral policies enacted under the Bush Presidency in the aftermath of the attacks of 2001.

Political partisanship aside, our nation has long stood as a global role model of a free republic and a just democracy by which the policies of fledgling democracies might observe and hopefully mimic.

A country claiming moral superiority must have reflective policies as pertaining to these morals. Any country that approves of a policy such as legal waterboarding of detainees cannot hope to claim any degree of civic morality inherent to it’s soil.

Redefinitions of torture as acceptable in any form is counter-intuitive to sound American policy making, in my view. Within political debate the same attempts are contrary to the Spirit of The Constitution itself. Not to mention the practice is specifically banned by the Military Code of Conduct and the Geneva Convention.

Too Much For One President?

President-elect Barack Obama greets soldiers as they eat Christmas dinner at Marine Corp Base Hawaii in Kailua, Hawaii Thursday, Dec. 25, 2008.  (AP Photo/Gerald Herbert)

President-elect Barack Obama greets soldiers as they eat Christmas dinner at Marine Corp Base Hawaii in Kailua, Hawaii Thursday, Dec. 25, 2008. (AP Photo/Gerald Herbert)

Under my understanding of American civics current President Obama is by no means taking on more than in possibly sustainable, in terms of policy changes and economic recovery efforts.

In fact in my estimation he has, in regards to national security and financial stability, done exactly what was and is needed to ensure success in our efforts to revive this bankrupt economy.

The issue of undertaking “too much comes primarily from the right wing. Though others may question the wisdom of taking on so many issues at once as wise it is exclusively the right wing that declares this unsound policy.

The concept of “political capital is primary in understanding the recent actions of President Obama in his first two months in office. Political capital does not remain in any politician’s favor for long.

The willingness to address major issues like Embryonic Stem Cell Research, Enhanced Interrogation and vigorous fiscal stimulus only prove to those who grasp civics that the President intends in make good on the many campaign promises made to voters like myself.

While many more issues abound, and ultimately I am one who says that Obama is not doing enough, the raw fact remains that the current administration is showing a genuine interest in fulfilling the will of the people beyond simply nationalist fever or populist outrage but to rather try and reach attainable goals in our time.

Political Images









Non-Profit Blog

I am a Internet Proliferator.

Completely Non-Profit source of links, news, opinion and information.

I call this Internet Activism.

The fact that I suddenly started blogging in December of 2008, didn’t change my world view or political perspective.

While internet communication is less effective than real activism or even letter campaigns it still holds value in it‘s semi-permanent nature.

Nonetheless, here is a small piece of what it means to be contacted by a Non-Profit Blogger:



This is the only reason I call myself a Media-Watchdog, one of the last of the breed.

These are just some of my saved email contacts from my personal email account.

Just a sample, there‘s more. (Hot Air is highly partisan, by the by.)

Just making a point. And hoping you’ll input your own thoughts to these addresses.

Whatever good public emailing your my real name and address attached has, you can bet I did it.

And will do it again.

Most likely, standing while typing one-handed just like this. (Someone take a picture, I look journalistic!)

This post is just to dispel any confusion out there in terms of who exactly the real media-watchdogs of America exactly are.

That would be me, Eric Lightborn. The Non-Profit Student Blogger. And that’s pretty much it.


Eric Lightborn
March 22nd 2009

Liberal Populist

A liberal, sure. First and foremost.

But I’m not running from being labeled a “populist.” Red-baiting doesn’t phase me anymore. Let those who attempt and fail at political understanding call me what they will. I am unashamed.

With the change of a single word in a historical quote from the first American Populist to run for president in 1896 you can sum up everything I have to say about the current condition of the American economy.

“You shall not press down upon the brow of labor this crown of thorns, you shall not crucify mankind upon a cross of gold [credit].”  – William J. Bryan


The cross of the middle class and the working poor should be bore no longer. The whips of old exchanged for bare hands.

This yoke of credit and credit approval has far too long strangled the workforce of America from advancing in social class. The burden by no means stops there. (Jim Cramer the economist & Jon Stewart the comedian)

The very integrity of the American worker has been bought and sold on the open market for far too long. The largest of institutions have had ultimate sway on matters pertaining to them for an age and a day too long.

The era of protectionism has taught us well. No market is isolated. No economy is independent of the strongest economy known to exist. Recent events have shown us this beyond any reasonable doubt.

But the era of ‘deceptionism’ has yet to be fully addressed, or even understood. No industry is without accountability. No private incorporation is fit to process a majority share of any highly successful venture.

I do not support a return to the Gold Standard as those like Congressman Ron Paul who I have much respect for propose. The credit system and the existence of credit lines themselves are not the source of the crown of thorns. I support instead fully nationalizing and reforming the Federal Reserve and the Federal Exchange Commission.

In the absence of abolishment of the Internal Revenue Service I propose reform into an agency that regulates the bank rating system and monitors the highest echelons of finance with previously unseen vigor and transparency in their actions.

Those who sought to lead us blindly into these days cannot be trusted. Those who hide the truth become party to a much greater misdeed. We cannot afford to stand silent any longer in the need for a truthful news media.

To those who came before us in days of Vietnam. We say to them we have seen your sorrows and known your pain. But we are not shedding blood nor issuing violence as our battering ram against authority.

We demand recognition that our tools are by the words, protests and non-violent actions. Choked of our very means of ways by the ever-expanding, all powerful monopolies across our markets. Let all who allowed this to transpire as such come only but to apologize before the public.

Let the regulators who took part in this only shamefully resign. Let the business leaders who did nothing to tell of the coming recession when many Americans, including myself and my father, were fully aware of its coming onslaught only plead for willingness to allow them near our political structure.

I say these words as member of the Progressive Movement and a registered Democratic voter in California. Let us never forget the modern progressive, or alternatively the modern liberal, was forged in the first Progressive Reform Movement of one hundred years past. And the Populist Movement stands the father of the Progressive.

While we do not resemble our forerunners we are much the same as they. There is no tolerance for absolutism in control over the means to obtain success and prosperity.